Arizona League for Nursing

NLN Look Ahead - August 15, 2022

Posted over 2 years ago

New! Nominations for Distinguished Research in Nursing Education Award Now Open
The NLN Marilyn H. Oermann Award for Distinguished Research in Nursing Education will recognize an individual or team who have generated an evidentiary base for the science of nursing education. Nominees must be a current member of the NLN (current members of the awards committee, NLN staff, and the Board of Governors excluded) and must agree to attend the Nursing Education Research Conference (NERC) in Washington, D.C., to receive the award and give a brief presentation at the closing plenary. Learn More

AHA Offers Inaugural Discount to NLN Members for New Telehealth eLearning Courses
The American Heart Association (AHA) has debuted the Intelligo Professional Education Hub™, a digital continuing education platform that delivers quality courses and training for health care professionals to advance their skills. The AHA is offering an inaugural 20% discount to NLN members when they purchase courses from the hub’s Telehealth portfolio, which offers new premium eLearning courses and certificate programs designed to prepare providers to treat patients remotely and provide best practices for telemedicine. Once you’re on the Shopping Cart page, enter NLN20 in the Discount Code box and press the Apply button before continuing to the checkout page. Access Now

Attending the NLN Education Summit? Set Your Schedule Now!
Planning to attend the NLN Summit at the Mirage in Las Vegas? Register now for Pre-Summit Workshops on Wednesday, Sept. 28. Topics include:
  • Prebriefing and Debriefing Deeper Dive: Navigating Challenges and Leveraging Opportunities - Registration deadline August 31
  • Jump Into Action: Tackling Program Outcome Concerns Including NCLEX Performance
  • How to Implement Use of Next Generation Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) in Your Course: An Immersive Experience for Nursing Faculty
  • Creatively Connecting Climate Change to Curricula
Log into the registration portal and sign up today. Haven’t registered for the Summit? Register by August 31 and save. Book your hotel room now too. Register to Attend

Attend the Life Stories: NLN Performance in D.C. on Sept. 10
Will you be in the Washington, D.C., area the weekend of September 10? Over the course of 11 weeks, local nurse educators have developed and shared stories from their experiences. Using theatre and improvisation techniques under the guidance of Theatre Lab instructors, together they've created a final performance that will give audience members a glimpse into their lives and elevates their voices. On Saturday, September 10, they will share perform their presentation live on stage in front of family, friends, and colleagues. Admission is free. RSVP Now
Celebrating Leading Women in Higher Education
Diverse presents 25 women making a difference in the world of academe. Dr. Beverly Malone is the CEO of the National League of Nursing, past president of the American Nurses Association and the first African American general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing. Malone is a vocal advocate speaking to the role that nursing plays in ensuring access to safe, quality, culturally competent care to diverse patient populations, both domestically and globally. Read More

NLN Press Announces Two New Titles
The NLN announces two new works of scholarship by the NLN Press, powered by Wolters Kluwer, available for pre-order now at a discount through the NLN Bookstore. The two new publications include:
  • A Systemic Approach to Evaluation of Nursing Programs, 2nd Ed. by Marilyn Oermann, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
  • Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education, 2nd Ed. by Pamela R. Jeffries, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
To order these new titles or any of the previously published NLN Press books, visit the NLN Bookstore. Buy Now
Stand above the competition by posting your resume in the NLN Career Center. Start a new career journey today.

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Submit a request to feature nursing education research by faculty and students recruiting for an IRB-approved study.

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NLN Taking Aim: Debriefing to Build Inclusive Environments: August 15

Coaching for Excellence Session C Registration Deadline: August 21

Check out other NLN Upcoming Events & Deadlines