Sign up to attend the CNE Prep Virtual Courseon Friday, July 30, for an intensive, comprehensive review of the major content areas of the test blueprint for the Certified Nurse Educator exam. The course is designed to help potential candidates assess their readiness and identify practice domains where further study may be needed.
Topics include implications for nurse faculty, eligibility requirements, analysis of the CNE test blueprint, review of the CNE exam content, CNE prep resources, and the renewal process. The virtual course outline includes:
Certification implications for faculty
CNE eligibility requirements and registration and scheduling processes
Analysis of CNE test blueprint
Review of CNE examination content
Introduction of resources available for certification preparation
CNE renewal process
The session will be led by Diane M. Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, who is Chancellors’ Professor Emeritus at Nursing at Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, where she was the Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning and Information Resources and developed and taught the masters/doctoral level Teacher Education Certificate courses.