Dear Fellow Nurse Educators,
Nurse educators have always been the most innovative faculty in higher education. We develop new and creative approaches to meet students’ needs because we want students to learn and be successful, and we move quickly to solve educational problems. We do not have to look any further than the current pandemic: faculty changed their course delivery to an online format, shifted to virtual clinical practice, and developed innovative teaching strategies. Nurse Educator is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. We publish research in nursing education, but our goal is to keep you up-to-date with new ideas and educational innovations you can use in your courses. Articles in upcoming issues are on strategies to teach clinical judgment, virtual learning experiences, restrictions on students' access to electronic health information, physical assessment skills to teach in prelicensure programs, Generation Z students, and DNP program initiatives. We have departments on QSEN, teaching strategies, faculty development, technology, and articles filled with practical information you can use with your students, and in every issue, educators share Teaching Tips.
Sincerely, Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN Editor-in-Chief, Nurse Educator